Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thank you!

I was reflecting this morning as I awoke at 10 a.m. (I hear that I won’t be sleeping that late EVER again) I had several thoughts back to the day I found out I was pregnant. Brian had just left for work and I decided that I should take a pregnancy test. I took the test with an extremely pessimistic attitude and then the second line appeared. I was in shock. I kept thinking to myself, how in the heck did that happen? It is so funny how you “try” to get pregnant and then when it happens and it is still a total surprise!

I have a feeling that actually meeting the baby for the first time is kind of the same feeling. I know there is a baby in my belly that I have been carrying and I know that I will meet this baby tomorrow, yet I have a feeling that we will be in complete awe when this baby comes out! That we will be thinking all over again, how in the heck did that happen?

Brian and I are super excited, a little nervous and whole bunch scared. That is the recipe for first time parents, I suspect.

I would like to thank all of you for joining me in my adventures in pregnancy. It was fun, scary, nerve wrecking, emotional and most of all a lovely experience to share with you. We are so lucky to be surrounded by so much love. The positive attitudes, comments and encouragement from all of our friends and family made this journey so much more enjoyable for us. So, Brian and I would like to thank you for already playing such an amazing role in Baby Perla’s arrival!

Brian thinks that he will have a lot of spare time (?), so he asked that I forward on some of the ways he plans to keep you up to date on our new adventures:

Microblogging my thoughts and events - http://twitter.com/oneeyebri
Facebook - www.facebook.com
Photos - http://www.flickr.com/photos/oneeyebri/
Video - http://www.vimeo.com/oneeeyebri/

You’ll be hearing from us soon!!!!

Much Love,


Tuesday, November 25, 2008


T minus 15 days!

As I walk through my days leading up to Baby Perla’s arrival in a dreamlike, yet anxious state, I still can’t believe that this is going to happen. Logically, my brain understands that a baby will be making its way, kicking and screaming into our family very soon. But, emotionally I can’t help but feel that I will pregnant for…ev…er. Being pregnant becomes such a way of life that it is hard to remember what life was like pre-pregnancy.

The thing is, mentally or emotionally ready, this baby is coming – soon. I asked a friend of mine who recently had a baby what the biggest change was in her life. Her response was simple, she said she had no idea what she worried or thought about before her baby arrived. Nothing else seems to matter as much anymore, except for her baby’s well being. It is ironic how right now I can’t imagine not being pregnant, but in two short weeks, I will not be able to imagine my life the way it is right now. Life sure is complicated.

Anyway, just an update, Brian and I visited the High Risk Doc yesterday for our last Ultrasound. Baby Perla is not budging and is still in the breech position. The dreaded “shelf” is still obstructing its ability to move into the “head down” position. We are still on schedule for a C Section on December 10.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving and please be jealous of the fact that I will be wearing pants with an elastic band.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Roo Theory

The countdown to Baby Perla’s highly anticipated arrival is closing in! Unless Baby Perla is an expert gymnast and can somersault its way through the obstacle course into the “head down” position, the C Section date is set for Dec.10. That is under 5 weeks away!

I am at the point right now where I want this baby out of me, yesterday. I am uncomfortable all the time, I lost count at how many times I get up to go to the bathroom each night and my hips feel like they are going to dislodge from my pelvis. As much as I complain about how uncomfortable I am and how I so want to be done being pregnant, I can’t help but think that my life will never be this easy again – ever.

Let me explain. Right now, Baby Perla goes everywhere I go; we’re a package “Kangaroo-like” deal. I don’t have to worry about packing a bag each time we leave the house. I don’t have to think about bundling a baby up each time we go anywhere. The baby is warm, quiet, happy, quiet and content inside the womb, did I mention quiet? My body feeds the baby on its own. I can go to work, go shopping and go to Doctor appointments with ease (except getting in and out of the car). Once Baby Perla arrives, he/she will still be going everywhere with me, but with much more gear, equipment and difficulty!

Although my everyday life has not changed much, it will in a few short weeks. I am okay with that, in fact, I can’t wait for it all to change. Yes, some things will be more challenging then they are now. My life will be completely turned upside down. I am a creature of habit, so all my routines will go out the window. But, what other time in life can you be so excited for your life to change so drastically?

Although parts of my everyday life may be simple right now, I am aware that it will all change. And that is okay because something is missing right now from our family. That something will make its entrance into my and Brian's life and fill every ounce of our hearts with love.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I am SO much happier about achieving the 30 weeks pregnant milestone tomorrow than I was about hitting the 30 years old milestone this past August. Interesting how the number thirty can bring on such opposite emotions.

Now that I am a woman entering into my thirties in more ways than just one, a change has occurred; I have become emotional and even….sentimental. Most people would not describe me as mushy or sappy. I wouldn’t even describe myself that way, until yesterday. While driving to the Doctor yesterday, I started crying - singing the lyrics to a song.

I am not musically inclined and I don’t even know how to sing in tune, but I do know the lyrics to most songs (and I sound great singing them in the car – by myself). Of all the mushy songs out there the one that got to me was Five for Fighting’s, “100 Years.” The song tells a story about how fast life can pass you by in a moment. It goes through the various ups and downs and stages of life from being a teenager, to meeting your true love, getting married and starting a family, mid-life crisis’, reflection of your life and finally death. The song implies that life is a balance of wonderful moments that take our breath away combined with heartbreaking moments that leave us walking on unstable ground.

As I was singing the song, I started thinking about how Brian and I are so lucky right now to be right in the middle of one of the most monumental times in our life together. I began to recall my own rocky moments in the past and the strength it took to overcome them. I started thinking that I am so excited to become a mother. And then it hit me, OMG, I am going to be a Mom. And then, OMG, I don’t want my child to ever have to experience any of life’s low blows.

I began to start to understand the meaning of the quote, “Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body” - Elizabeth Stone. What a gift it is that I get to experience another life in such close proximity of my own. It must be heartbreaking and so difficult to eventually let go and allow your child to grow up and experience life’s journey from the sidelines. But, I also know that, like the song mentions, life is a combo plan of joyful and sorrowful moments. That is what makes it all so worth it.

So, maybe turning thirty isn’t so horrific. “100 Years” implies that I am not even 1/3 of the way through life’s journey. But, luckily I am 3/4 of the way through this pregnancy.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Top 10 Things I Now Find Amusing/Hilarious

10. I don’t have the same clearance when opening a door that swings towards me; I end up hitting my belly every time.

9. Everyone stares at my belly when I go shopping.

8. I can be crabby and get away with it.

7. I can eat what I want and get away with it.

6. Placing a remote on my belly when the baby is kicking and seeing it fly onto the couch.

5. Knowing that men would completely fail at being pregnant.

4. My Pregnancy Water Aerobics Class. Enough said.

3. Shaving in the shower. Thank God no one ever has to see that. Remove mental picture.

2. Walking through tight spaces “sideways” doesn’t have the same outcome it used to.

1. Instead of buying maternity “high cut briefs” I should have just borrowed my grandma’s underwear.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Something like a Phenomenon

Strange things are happening to me and my body. Some of them, for my male reader’s sake, I will not go into any great detail. Trust me; you don’t want to know some of the crazy things that happen to a women’s body during pregnancy. This ignorance may get you into trouble though!
Yesterday, a few minutes after eating an enormous size piece of cake covered in delicious frosting I started feeling the “kung fu kicking” I have been experiencing. This time the kicks were more rapid and stronger than ever before. I swear the baby was having a sugar seizure! I looked down at my torso and it was actually moving and twitching, on the outside.
Being the very coy and shy person that I am, I raced over to my co-workers to show them my new party trick. Interestingly enough, I was met with different reactions by my male and female co-workers. One male co-worker nicely stated that my stomach moving like that looks like some, “Circus Side Freak Show Stuff.” Another male thought it was one of the coolest things he has ever seen, after explaining to him that I was NOT making it move on my own (I wish my abs were that strong).
The females, of course had different reactions. Some were recalling stories of their own pregnancies. Others were asking if they could place their hand on my stomach to feel the movement.
Although everyone was sharing in my excitement (clearly in their own way) about my new party trick, it was so fascinating how different the males and females reacted from each other. Learning this among the many, many other things I have learned through out this pregnancy is that men will NEVER understand what women go through in pregnancy.

On a side note, we saw the high risk Doctor a few weeks back. Everything looks great! Baby Perla is still in the breech position and may or may not be able to turn to the “head down” position due to the “shelf” in the sac. The C-section decision will be made around the 35-36 week mark, depending on if Baby Perla has been able to turn or not. If a C-section is the route we have to go, it will be scheduled about 1 week before my actual due date. We will go back to the high risk Doctor in a few weeks for another Ultrasound and to see what the baby has been up to!

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Lull (a-bye-bye)

Baby Perla and I have completed a major milestone – we have passed the ½ way mark of this pregnancy! I am 24 weeks along so far, which means only 16 weeks to go. While it feels great to be over ½ way finished with this phase, I feel this is just the calm before the storm.

I consider this time to be the ‘tweener stage. I am in between phases. I am in the second trimester right now and there isn’t much we can do in preparation for the baby. We will reach the start of the third trimester in a few weeks. For right now, things are pretty quiet. Once we hit the third trimester things will start moving along quickly.

I am guessing the third trimester is a busy one when it is your first baby. At first I thought that it is total crap that they make the third trimester the longest of the three – 14 weeks. But, there may be some logic to that because there is a lot to do. There are the usual and customary things like decorating the nursery and attending Baby Showers. Then there are the other things that life throws at us. We are coming up on the holidays in my third trimester so that will be interesting. I will have all my Christmas shopping done by the beginning of December (wishful thinking). Work related duties will need to be farmed out to my co-workers before I go on Maternity Leave. To add to the gamut, I have signed up for Pre-Natal Water Aerobics two times a week. Not only do I have to physically prepare for the baby to arrive, I need to mentally prepare. Maybe rookie moms are never completely mentally prepared for what is about to hit them once the baby is home. Experienced moms have gone to great lengths to warn me of the lack of sleep and lack of “me” time that I will endure. They tell me how frustrating and painful breast-feeding can be until we get the hang of it. They have advised me on how much our life is going to change. But, I can’t help but think that no matter how much I try to prepare myself for this arrival, as a new mom, I will never be completely mentally ready. No matter how many books I read I will not be ready. Me? Not ready for something that I know is coming? To top it off, there is nothing I can do it about it!

So here we are again, Baby Perla already reiterating one of life’s lessons. I am learning (again) that no matter how much I try to plan our way down life’s winding path that I should always remember to plan for surprises.

For now, I will enjoy this quiet time while Baby Perla continues to cook in my oven. I am looking forward to all the surprises that will come with the next trimester, no matter how busy and crazy it may be. I will read up on as much information as possible. I will continue to listen to the knowledgeable words of all the veteran moms that I know out there. And, somehow I will still be completely surprised at how much our life will change when this baby arrives.